FamousPeopleFacts - Francois de Malherbe
Francois de Malherbe - famouspeoplefacts.com

Francois de Malherbe

Date of Birth: May 1555

Zodiac Sign: Unknown

Date of Death: October 16, 1628


François de Malherbe was a French poet, born in Caen, Normandy, France. He is often considered a reformer of the French language and poetry. Malherbe was born into a noble family and received his education in Paris and other prominent centers of learning. He served as a court poet during the reign of Henry IV and Louis XIII. His poetry was marked by its strict rules and disciplined structure, which influenced the development of French classical poetry. He emphasized clarity, precision, and the importance of adhering to strict forms, which had a lasting impact on subsequent generations of poets.

5 Interesting Facts about Francois de Malherbe

1. François de Malherbe was known for his strict adherence to poetic rules and is often credited with helping to lay the groundwork for French classicism.

2. He was a critic of the more free-form and ornate style of poetry that was popular before his time, favoring instead a more disciplined and structured approach.

3. Malherbe served as a court poet for both Henry IV and his successor, Louis XIII.

4. He translated works from Latin and Italian into French, contributing to the richness of French literature and culture.

5. Malherbe’s influence extended beyond poetry; he had a significant impact on the French language itself, advocating for clarity and precision in expression.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Francois de Malherbe

1. “Un poème est une œuvre d’art qui doit être parfaite, ou elle n’est rien.” (A poem is a work of art that must be perfect, or it is nothing.)

2. “Le temps ne fait rien à l’affaire.” (Time does not change anything.)

3. “Les larmes sont le langage muet de la douleur.” (Tears are the silent language of pain.)

4. “Rien ne sert de courir; il faut partir à point.” (There’s no use running; you must start on time.)

5. “Le plus sûr moyen de se consoler d’un malheur, c’est de le partager.” (The surest way to console oneself of a misfortune is to share it.)

Highest Net Worth Achieved

François de Malherbe’s net worth is not well-documented due to the time period in which he lived. However, as a court poet, he would have likely received patronage and financial support from the monarchy and nobility.


François de Malherbe had at least one notable child, Marc-Antoine de Malherbe, who tragically died young. François de Malherbe wrote an elegy in his memory, which is one of his most famous works.

Relevant Links

1. [François de Malherbe – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_de_Malherbe

2. [Biography of François de Malherbe – Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Francois-de-Malherbe

3. [François de Malherbe’s Quotes – BrainyQuote](https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/francois-de-malherbe-quotes

4. [Poetry Foundation – François de Malherbe](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/francois-de-malherbe

5. [French Poetry – François de Malherbe](https://frenchpoetry.wordpress.com/francois-de-malherbe/


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