John Mason Good

Date of Birth: May 25, 1764

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Date of Death: January 2, 1827


John Mason Good was an English scientist, physician, and author born in Epping, Essex. He is renowned for his contributions to medical science, translation, and lexicography. Good’s most notable work includes his translation of Lucretius’ “De Rerum Natura” and his extensive medical writings, such as “The Study of Medicine,” which became a standard reference in the early 19th century. As a polymath, Good’s interests spanned multiple disciplines, and his works have had a lasting impact on scientific and medical literature.

5 Interesting Facts about John Mason Good

1. John Mason Good was not only a physician but also a skilled linguist, fluent in several languages including Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian.

2. His translation of “The Book of Job” from Hebrew to English was highly praised for its accuracy and poetic quality.

3. Good co-authored “Pantologia,” a popular early 19th-century encyclopedia.

4. He was a member of the Linnean Society of London, reflecting his dedication to natural history.

5. Despite his many accomplishments, Good struggled with financial difficulties throughout his life.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from John Mason Good

1. “The physician’s highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy – to heal, as it is termed.”

2. “The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance.”

3. “Knowledge is the only fountain both of the love and the principles of human liberty.”

4. “Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it.”

5. “A life devoted to science is a life of noble purpose, and its fruits are the richest blessings to mankind.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

During his lifetime, John Mason Good did not achieve significant wealth, and his highest net worth was modest compared to modern standards, reflecting the financial struggles he endured despite his intellectual contributions.


John Mason Good had several children, including Martha Good and Henry Good. His son, Henry, followed in his footsteps to some extent and pursued a career in medicine.

Relevant Links

1. [John Mason Good on Wikipedia](

2. [Biography and Works of John Mason Good](

3. [John Mason Good’s Contributions to Medical Literature](

4. [The Study of Medicine by John Mason Good](

5. [List of Works by John Mason Good](


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