Eliezer Yudkowsky

Date of Birth: September 11, 1979

Zodiac Sign: Virgo


Eliezer Yudkowsky is an American writer and researcher known for his work on artificial intelligence (AI) and rationality. He was born in 1979 and is a co-founder and research fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that the creation of smarter-than-human intelligence has a positive impact. Yudkowsky has written extensively on the subject of AI safety, emphasizing the importance of designing AI systems that are beneficial and controllable. In addition to his technical research, Yudkowsky is also a prolific writer on the subject of rationality. He is well-known for his contributions to the community blog LessWrong, where he has published numerous essays exploring cognitive biases, decision theory, and the principles of effective thinking. His work has influenced a generation of thinkers interested in improving their reasoning skills and decision-making processes. Yudkowsky is also the author of several books, including “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality,” a popular fan fiction that reimagines the Harry Potter series with a focus on scientific thinking and rational problem-solving. His writing often blends complex theoretical concepts with accessible language, making it possible for a broader audience to engage with challenging ideas.

5 Interesting Facts about Eliezer Yudkowsky

1. Eliezer Yudkowsky is a self-taught researcher who never attended college.

2. He coined the term “Friendly AI” to describe artificial intelligence systems designed to benefit humanity.

3. Yudkowsky’s work has been a significant influence on the Effective Altruism movement.

4. He authored “Inadequate Equilibria: Where and How Civilizations Get Stuck,” a book exploring why societies often fail to adopt beneficial innovations.

5. “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality” has been translated into multiple languages and has a dedicated fan base.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Eliezer Yudkowsky

1. “You are personally responsible for becoming more ethical than the society you grew up in.”

2. “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

3. “If you know about a problem, and the solution is simple, and you do nothing, you deserve whatever happens to you.”

4. “The purpose of thinking is to let the ideas die instead of us dying.”

5. “Rationality is the art of thinking clearly and well.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

Eliezer Yudkowsky’s highest net worth is not publicly documented, but his influence and contributions have primarily been in the intellectual and research domains rather than financial gain.


Eliezer Yudkowsky has two children.

Relevant Links

1. [Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI](https://intelligence.org/

2. [LessWrong Community Blog](https://www.lesswrong.com/

3. [Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality](http://www.hpmor.com/

4. [Inadequate Equilibria: Where and How Civilizations Get Stuck](https://equilibriabook.com/

5. [Eliezer Yudkowsky’s Personal Website](http://yudkowsky.net/


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