George Cadbury

Date of Birth: September 19, 1839

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Date of Death: October 24, 1922


George Cadbury was born into a Quaker family on September 19, 1839, in Birmingham, England. He was the third son of John Cadbury, the founder of Cadbury, a company that initially started as a small grocery shop but later became one of the world’s largest chocolate manufacturers. George, along with his brother Richard, took over the family business in 1861 and transformed it into a successful enterprise. George was not just a businessman; he was also a philanthropist and social reformer. He believed in improving the living conditions of his workers and founded the model village of Bournville in 1893. The village provided affordable housing, schools, and recreational facilities for Cadbury employees, promoting a better quality of life. George Cadbury was a staunch advocate for public health and education, contributing significantly to various charitable causes. His efforts in social reform and ethical business practices have left a lasting legacy, making him one of the most respected figures in the industrial history of the United Kingdom.

5 Interesting Facts about George Cadbury

1. George Cadbury’s Bournville model village was designed to combat the squalor and poor living conditions of industrial workers.

2. He and his brother Richard were pioneers in introducing cocoa essence, which was a pure form of cocoa butter and cocoa mass, free from adulterants.

3. George Cadbury was a strong supporter of the Temperance movement, advocating against the consumption of alcohol.

4. He purchased the Daily News in 1901 and used it as a platform to campaign for social reforms.

5. George was an advocate of adult education and established a series of ‘night schools’ for his workers, contributing to their personal and professional development.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from George Cadbury

1. “There is a real need for more idealism in business, for more belief in the possibilities of human nature.”

2. “The first consideration should be to make people happy.”

3. “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”

4. “My idea is that we should be in partnership with our employees, sharing profits with them.”

5. “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

At the peak of his career, George Cadbury’s net worth was estimated to be equivalent to approximately $50 million in today’s terms, considering the value of the Cadbury company and his various investments.


George Cadbury had six children with his second wife, Elizabeth Mary Taylor. Their children were George Junior, Edward, Henry, Eleanor, Marion, and Egbert Cadbury. Several of his children continued to be involved in the family business and various philanthropic efforts.

Relevant Links

1. [George Cadbury Biography – Cadbury](

2. [George Cadbury – Wikipedia](

3. [The Bournville Village Trust](

4. [Quaker Historical Association](

5. [Cadbury World – The History of Chocolate](


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