Aneurin Bevan

Date of Birth: November 15, 1897

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Date of Death: July 6, 1960


Aneurin Bevan, often known as Nye Bevan, was a prominent Welsh Labour Party politician who is best known for his instrumental role in the establishment of the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom. Born into a working-class family, Bevan rose through the ranks of the Labour Party to become one of the most influential figures in British politics during the mid-20th century. His passionate advocacy for social justice and equal access to healthcare left an indelible mark on the UK’s social landscape. Bevan began his career as a coal miner and became actively involved in trade union activities. His commitment to improving workers’ rights and living conditions propelled him into politics. Elected as the Member of Parliament for Ebbw Vale in 1929, he quickly became known for his eloquent speeches and uncompromising stance on social issues. As Minister of Health from 1945 to 1951, Bevan was responsible for the creation of the NHS, which provided free healthcare at the point of use for all UK residents. His vision was to eliminate the financial barriers to medical treatment, ensuring that healthcare was accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic status. Despite facing significant opposition, Bevan’s determination and political acumen led to the successful implementation of the NHS in 1948. Throughout his career, Bevan remained a vocal advocate for socialism and social equality. His legacy continues to be celebrated, particularly in Wales, where he is regarded as a national hero. Bevan passed away on July 6, 1960, but his contributions to British society endure to this day.

5 Interesting Facts about Aneurin Bevan

1. Aneurin Bevan was born in the town of Tredegar in South Wales.

2. He left school at the age of 13 to work in the coal mines.

3. Bevan was a founding member of the socialist magazine “Tribune.”

4. He was awarded the title of Freeman of the Borough of Tredegar in 1957.

5. Bevan’s wife, Jennie Lee, was also a prominent Labour politician and played a key role in the establishment of the Open University.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Aneurin Bevan

1. “The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it.”

2. “Freedom is the by-product of economic surplus.”

3. “No society can legitimately call itself civilized if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.”

4. “I would rather be kept alive in the effulgent splendour of healthy democracy than in the gloom of aristocratic pride.”

5. “This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

Aneurin Bevan’s highest net worth is not well-documented, as his primary focus was on public service and social welfare rather than personal wealth accumulation. However, his net worth was modest, reflecting his working-class roots and commitment to socialism.


Aneurin Bevan and his wife, Jennie Lee, did not have any children.

Relevant Links

1. [NHS History – Aneurin Bevan](

2. [BBC – Aneurin Bevan](

3. [The Guardian – Aneurin Bevan’s Legacy](

4. [Biography on Spartacus Educational](

5. [National Museum Wales – Aneurin Bevan](


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