FamousPeopleFacts - Bunker Roy
Bunker Roy - famouspeoplefacts.com

Bunker Roy

Date of Birth: August 30, 1945

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Date of Death: (As of the latest information available, Bunker Roy is alive.)


Sanjit “Bunker” Roy is an Indian social activist and educator who has dedicated his life to developing sustainable solutions for rural communities. Born into a well-to-do family, Roy chose to diverge from the conventional path of privilege and instead focused on grassroots activism. He is best known for founding the Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, in 1972. The college is a unique educational institution that empowers rural poor, particularly women, by teaching them skills such as solar engineering, water management, and handicrafts. Roy’s innovative approach to education and community development has earned him international recognition, including being named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world in 2010. His work has had a profound impact on rural development, not just in India but globally.

5 Interesting Facts about Bunker Roy

1. Bunker Roy graduated from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University, where he was also a national-level squash player.

2. The Barefoot College was the first rural college in India to be built by its students, using locally available materials.

3. Roy’s work emphasizes the use of traditional knowledge and skills, which he believes are often undervalued by formal education systems.

4. Barefoot College has trained over 3 million people across 93 countries.

5. Roy’s wife, Aruna Roy, is also a prominent social activist and a co-founder of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS).

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Bunker Roy

1. “The strength of the Barefoot approach lies in the fact that it is the rural poor who manage, control, and own the processes.”

2. “Professionals have a lot to learn from the barefoot professionals who have the knowledge, the skills, and the wisdom.”

3. “You don’t have to look outside for solutions; they are all within your community.”

4. “I believe in the power of ordinary people to do extraordinary things.”

5. “Education is about providing the tools to help people help themselves.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

Bunker Roy has not focused on personal wealth accumulation, and exact figures of his net worth are not publicly documented. His life’s work has been more about social impact than financial gain.


Bunker Roy and Aruna Roy do not have any children.

Relevant Links

1. [Barefoot College Official Website](https://www.barefootcollege.org

2. [TED Talk by Bunker Roy](https://www.ted.com/talks/bunker_roy_learning_from_a_barefoot_movement

3. [Time Magazine: Bunker Roy](http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1984685_1984940_1985530,00.html

4. [The Guardian: Bunker Roy Interview](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2011/nov/04/bunker-roy-barefoot-innovator

5. [Wikipedia: Bunker Roy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunker_Roy


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