FamousPeopleFacts - Earl Long
Earl Long - famouspeoplefacts.com

Earl Long

Date of Birth: August 26, 1895

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Date of Death: September 5, 1960


Earl Kemp Long was an American politician and three-time Governor of Louisiana, known for his flamboyant personality and controversial policies. Born into a prominent political family, Earl Long was the younger brother of Huey Long, a former governor and influential senator. Earl Long was known for his populist views and efforts to improve social services in Louisiana, including education, healthcare, and infrastructure. His tenure was marked by fierce battles with political opponents, often involving accusations of corruption and mental instability. Despite these controversies, Long remained a beloved figure among many Louisianans for his commitment to the common people and his colorful, larger-than-life persona.

5 Interesting Facts about Earl Long

1. Earl Long served as Governor of Louisiana for three non-consecutive terms: 1939-1940, 1948-1952, and 1956-1960.

2. Long was known for his eccentric behavior, including a widely publicized incident where he was committed to a mental hospital but managed to secure his release by firing the hospital director.

3. He was a staunch advocate for civil rights and made efforts to register African American voters in Louisiana, which was a controversial stance at the time.

4. Earl Long’s life and political career inspired the 1989 film “Blaze,” starring Paul Newman, which focused on his relationship with stripper Blaze Starr.

5. Long’s populist policies included increasing funding for public schools, expanding healthcare services, and improving infrastructure in rural areas.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Earl Long

1. “Someday Louisiana is going to get good government, and they ain’t gonna like it.”

2. “When I die, I want to be buried in Louisiana, so I can stay active in politics.”

3. “The only way you’ll ever get me to retire is to carry me out in a pine box.”

4. “I’m not crazy. I’m just a little unbalanced.”

5. “If you can’t win, make the fellow ahead of you break the record.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

Earl Long’s net worth was never publicly disclosed; however, given his career as a lifelong politician, it is estimated to have been modest in comparison to wealthy business figures.


Earl Long did not have any children. He was married to Blanche Revere Long, but the couple did not have any offspring.

Relevant Links

1. [Earl Long – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Long

2. [Earl Long – Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Earl-K-Long

3. [Earl Long: The Saga of Uncle Earl and Louisiana Politics – Book](https://www.amazon.com/Earl-Long-Saga-Louisiana-Politics/dp/0807132926

4. [Blaze (1989 – IMDb](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096943/

5. [Louisiana Governor Earl K. Long – KnowLA](https://64parishes.org/entry/earl-k-long


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