FamousPeopleFacts - Erving Goffman
Erving Goffman - famouspeoplefacts.com

Erving Goffman

Date of Birth: June 11, 1922

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Date of Death: November 19, 1982


Erving Goffman was a Canadian sociologist and writer, known for his influential studies on social interaction and the concept of the “presentation of self.” Born on June 11, 1922, in Mannville, Alberta, Canada, Goffman made significant contributions to the field of sociology through his innovative work on symbolic interactionism and dramaturgy. He pursued his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto and later obtained his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago in 1953. Goffman’s most renowned work, “The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life,” published in 1956, introduced the dramaturgical perspective, which conceptualizes social interaction as a theatrical performance. His other notable works include “Asylums,” “Stigma,” and “Frame Analysis,” each exploring various aspects of social behavior, institutions, and identity. Throughout his career, Goffman held prestigious academic positions, including a professorship at the University of California, Berkeley. He was also elected as the 73rd president of the American Sociological Association in 1981. Goffman’s innovative ideas and unique perspectives on social behavior continue to influence sociological thought and research today.

5 Interesting Facts about Erving Goffman

1. Erving Goffman was known for using everyday events and interactions as a basis for his sociological theories, making his work accessible to a broader audience.

2. He introduced the concept of “face-work,” which refers to the actions people take to maintain their social dignity and the image they present to others.

3. Goffman was a pioneer in the study of total institutions, such as mental hospitals, and how these environments impact individuals.

4. He was awarded the MacIver Award from the American Sociological Association for his book “The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.”

5. Goffman’s work has had a profound influence on fields beyond sociology, including psychology, anthropology, and communication studies.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Erving Goffman

1. “The self… is a product of the scene that comes off, and is not a cause of it.”

2. “Society is an insane asylum run by the inmates.”

3. “Our sense of who we are depends upon the validation of our performances by others.”

4. “Life itself is a dramatically enacted thing.”

5. “When we interact with others, we are all actors on a stage playing a role.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

Erving Goffman’s highest net worth is not publicly documented, as his career was primarily academic and not focused on financial gain.


Erving Goffman had one child, a son named Thomas Goffman, born in 1953.

Relevant Links

1. [Wikipedia – Erving Goffman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erving_Goffman

2. [American Sociological Association – Erving Goffman](https://www.asanet.org/about/governance-and-leadership/council/presidents/erving-goffman

3. [Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – Erving Goffman](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/goffman/

4. [University of Chicago – Erving Goffman](https://sociology.uchicago.edu/erving-goffman

5. [Biography.com – Erving Goffman](https://www.biography.com/scholar/erving-goffman


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