FamousPeopleFacts - Francis W. Newman
Francis W. Newman - famouspeoplefacts.com

Francis W. Newman

Date of Birth: June 27, 1805

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Date of Death: October 7, 1897


Francis William Newman was an English writer, scholar, and philosopher born on June 27, 1805, in London, England. He was the younger brother of Cardinal John Henry Newman, a prominent religious figure. Francis was educated at Ealing School and later attended Worcester College, Oxford. He initially followed in his brother’s footsteps in the Anglican Church but soon diverged, embracing broader philosophical and spiritual views. Newman was proficient in several languages and his scholarly works covered a wide range of topics, including religion, ethics, and classical studies. He is perhaps best known for his critiques of orthodox Christianity and his advocacy for rationalism and free thought. His notable works include “The Soul: Her Sorrows and Her Aspirations” and “Phases of Faith,” where he details his journey from evangelical Christianity to a more liberal and questioning stance. Newman was also an advocate for social reform and held progressive views on education and women’s rights. His contributions to literature and philosophy have left a lasting impact, though he remains less well-known than his famous brother.

5 Interesting Facts about Francis W. Newman

1. Francis W. Newman was a polyglot, fluent in several languages including Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Arabic.

2. He was a professor of Latin at University College, London, from 1846 to 1869.

3. Newman was an early advocate for vegetarianism and wrote extensively on the subject.

4. He resigned from his position at University College due to his radical views on religion and politics, which were controversial at the time.

5. Despite his progressive views, he had a complicated relationship with his brother John Henry Newman, who remained a devout Catholic.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Francis W. Newman

1. “Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men.”

2. “The soul’s deepest thirst is for God Himself, who has made us so that we can never be at rest until we rest in Him.”

3. “The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.”

4. “Every great achievement is the victory of a flaming heart.”

5. “The path of duty lies in what is near, and men seek for it in what is remote.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

There is no documented information on Francis W. Newman’s net worth. His career was primarily academic and literary, fields that typically did not yield substantial financial wealth during his time.


Francis W. Newman did not have any children.

Relevant Links

1. [Francis W. Newman – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_William_Newman

2. [Newman’s Works on Project Gutenberg](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/4702

3. [Biography at Oxford Dictionary of National Biography](https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-20004

4. [Phases of Faith – Full Text](https://archive.org/details/phasesoffaith00newmuoft

5. [The Soul: Her Sorrows and Her Aspirations – Full Text](https://archive.org/details/soulhersorrowshe00newmrich


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