Hiram Johnson

Date of Birth: September 2, 1866

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Date of Death: August 6, 1945


Hiram Warren Johnson was a prominent American progressive politician who served as the 23rd Governor of California from 1911 to 1917 and as a United States Senator from California from 1917 until his death in 1945. Born in Sacramento, California, Johnson initially pursued a career in law, becoming a successful attorney. He gained national attention as a reformer and was a key figure in the Progressive Era, advocating for direct democracy measures such as the initiative, referendum, and recall. Johnson was a pivotal member of the Progressive Party and was Theodore Roosevelt’s running mate in the 1912 presidential election. Although they lost, Johnson’s influence continued to grow. As a senator, he was an ardent isolationist, opposing U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts and the League of Nations. He is remembered for his fierce independence and dedication to progressive reforms.

5 Interesting Facts about Hiram Johnson

1. Hiram Johnson was a co-founder of the Progressive Party in 1912.

2. He played a significant role in the passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, which severely limited immigration to the United States.

3. Johnson was a vocal opponent of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations, believing they would entangle the U.S. in unnecessary foreign conflicts.

4. He was instrumental in implementing several progressive reforms in California, including the establishment of the Public Utilities Commission.

5. Johnson was re-elected to the Senate five times, serving until his death in 1945, making him one of the longest-serving senators in U.S. history.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Hiram Johnson

1. “The first casualty when war comes is truth.”

2. “We shall appoint no committee to investigate the past. We shall devote ourselves to the future.”

3. “Politics is the art of controlled violence.”

4. “The only way to reform a corrupt institution is to take it over.”

5. “A citizen can hardly distinguish between a tax and a fine, except that the fine is generally much lighter.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

Hiram Johnson’s highest net worth was not well-documented, but as a long-serving senator and former governor, he was likely well-compensated for his public service.


Hiram Johnson had two children: 1. Hiram W. Johnson Jr., who followed in his father’s footsteps and became an attorney. 2. Archibald Johnson, who pursued a career in business.

Relevant Links

1. [Hiram Johnson – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiram_Johnson

2. [Hiram Johnson – Biographical Directory of the United States Congress](https://bioguide.congress.gov/search/bio/J000149

3. [Hiram Johnson – Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Hiram-Johnson

4. [Hiram Johnson and the Progressive Era](https://www.loc.gov/rr/news/topics/progressive.html

5. [Hiram Johnson’s Legacy in California](https://www.senate.ca.gov/senator/hiram-johnson


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