John Henrik Clarke

Date of Birth: January 1, 1915

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Date of Death: July 16, 1998


John Henrik Clarke was an eminent African-American historian, professor, and pioneer in the creation of Pan-African and Africana studies. Born on January 1, 1915, in Union Springs, Alabama, Clarke moved to Harlem, New York, in 1933, where he became actively involved in the Harlem Renaissance. Despite having limited formal education, he was largely self-taught and went on to become a prolific writer, publishing several works that sought to correct the misrepresentations of African history and culture. Clarke was a founding figure in the field of Africana studies and taught at prestigious institutions such as Hunter College and Cornell University. His work has had a lasting impact on African-American intellectual thought and the global understanding of African history.

5 Interesting Facts about John Henrik Clarke

1. John Henrik Clarke was born as John Henry Clark but changed his name to reflect his African heritage.

2. He was a major influence in the establishment of the African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA) in 1968.

3. Clarke received an honorary doctorate from the non-accredited Pacific Western University (now California Miramar University) in 1994.

4. He was an advisor to Malcolm X and a mentor to many young scholars interested in African history.

5. Clarke’s work inspired the creation of numerous Africana studies departments across American universities.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from John Henrik Clarke

1. “History is not everything, but it is a starting point. History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day.”

2. “A people’s relationship to their heritage is the same as the relationship of a child to its mother.”

3. “Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress because once you are truly educated, you will not ask for power. You will take it.”

4. “The first light of human consciousness and the world’s first civilizations were in Africa.”

5. “To hold a people in oppression you have to convince them first that they are supposed to be oppressed.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

John Henrik Clarke’s highest net worth is not widely documented, as his life was dedicated more to scholarship and activism than to financial gain.


John Henrik Clarke had two children, a daughter named Nzingha Marie Clarke and a son named Sonni Kojo Clarke.

Relevant Links

1. [John Henrik Clarke – Wikipedia](

2. [Biography of John Henrik Clarke – BlackPast](

3. [John Henrik Clarke –](

4. [Africana Studies and Research Center – Cornell University](

5. [John Henrik Clarke – The History Makers](


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