FamousPeopleFacts - John McCain
John McCain - famouspeoplefacts.com

John McCain

Date of Birth: August 29, 1936

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Date of Death: August 25, 2018


John Sidney McCain III was an American politician and military officer who served as a United States Senator from Arizona from January 1987 until his death in August 2018. Born on August 29, 1936, in the Panama Canal Zone, McCain came from a distinguished military family; both his father and grandfather were four-star admirals in the United States Navy. John McCain attended the United States Naval Academy and graduated in 1958. During the Vietnam War, McCain was shot down, seriously injured, and captured by the North Vietnamese. He endured over five years as a prisoner of war, suffering severe torture and refusing an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer. Upon his release in 1973, McCain continued his career in the Navy until he retired in 1981. He then entered politics, winning a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 before moving to the Senate in 1987. Known for his maverick stance within the Republican Party, McCain was a strong advocate for campaign finance reform, a critic of wasteful government spending, and a proponent of a strong national defense. He ran for President twice, securing the Republican nomination in 2008 but losing to Barack Obama. McCain was noted for his bipartisanship and willingness to work across the aisle. He passed away on August 25, 2018, after a battle with brain cancer.

5 Interesting Facts about John McCain

1. John McCain spent over five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

2. He was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and Distinguished Flying Cross for his military service.

3. McCain co-authored the McCain-Feingold Act, a major piece of campaign finance reform legislation.

4. He was known for his “Straight Talk Express” during his 2000 presidential campaign.

5. McCain was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2022.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from John McCain

1. “In war, the only easy day was yesterday.”

2. “We are Americans first, Americans last, and Americans always. Let’s never forget that.”

3. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity to act despite our fears.”

4. “We must never surrender. America does not quit. We do not hide from history. We make history.”

5. “I’d rather have strong enemies than a clique of weak friends.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

At the peak of his career, John McCain’s net worth was estimated to be around $16 million.


John McCain had seven children. He had three children with his first wife, Carol Shepp: Douglas, Andrew, and Sidney. With his second wife, Cindy Hensley, he had four children: Meghan, John Sidney IV (Jack), James (Jimmy), and Bridget, who was adopted from Bangladesh.

Relevant Links

1. [John McCain Biography – Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-McCain

2. [John McCain – Senate History](https://www.senate.gov/senators/116thCongress/McCain_John.htm

3. [McCain’s Military Service – Naval History and Heritage Command](https://www.history.navy.mil/browse-by-topic/people/trailblazers/john-mccain.html

4. [John McCain Presidential Campaigns – CNN Politics](https://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/04/mccain.biography/

5. [John McCain’s Legacy – The New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/25/us/john-mccain-dead.html


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