Lincoln Steffens

Date of Birth: April 6, 1866

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Date of Death: August 9, 1936


Lincoln Steffens was an American investigative journalist and one of the leading muckrakers of the Progressive Era in the early 20th century. Born in San Francisco, California, Steffens was educated at the University of California, Berkeley, and later in Europe. He began his career as a journalist at the New York Evening Post, but it was his work for McClure’s Magazine that brought him national prominence. Steffens is best known for his series of articles, later published as “The Shame of the Cities,” which exposed corruption in municipal governments across the United States. Steffens’ investigative work significantly contributed to the public’s awareness of the need for political reform. He was a passionate advocate for the Progressive Movement and believed that the exposure of corruption would lead to social and political improvement. After leaving McClure’s, he continued his muckraking efforts with Everybody’s Magazine. Later in life, Steffens became increasingly interested in socialism and communism, traveling to the Soviet Union and Mexico to study their revolutionary movements. His autobiography, “The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens,” remains a seminal work in American journalism.

5 Interesting Facts about Lincoln Steffens

1. Steffens was a close friend and collaborator with fellow muckrakers Ida Tarbell and Ray Stannard Baker.

2. He was one of the first American journalists to interview Lenin following the Russian Revolution.

3. Steffens’ work helped to galvanize public support for the Progressive Movement, which led to significant political and social reforms.

4. He famously declared after visiting the Soviet Union, “I have seen the future, and it works,” though he later became disillusioned with Soviet communism.

5. Steffens’ investigation into the political corruption of U.S. cities like St. Louis, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, and Chicago exposed systemic abuses of power and contributed to the push for reforms in municipal governments.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Lincoln Steffens

1. “Morality is only moral when it is voluntary.”

2. “I have seen the future, and it works.”

3. “Power is what men seek and any group that gets it will abuse it.”

4. “Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization.”

5. “The misgovernment of the American people is misgovernment by the American people.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

While specific financial details regarding Lincoln Steffens are sparse, it is known that his net worth was modest, and he lived comfortably through his earnings as a journalist and author.


Lincoln Steffens had one child, Peter Steffens, born in 1925. Peter followed in his father’s footsteps to some extent, becoming a journalist and later a professor.

Relevant Links

1. [Biography of Lincoln Steffens on Britannica](

2. [Lincoln Steffens on Wikipedia](

3. [The Shame of the Cities on Project Gutenberg](

4. [Lincoln Steffens Papers at Columbia University](

5. [The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens on](


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