Richard Parks Bland

Date of Birth: August 19, 1835

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Date of Death: June 15, 1899


Richard Parks Bland was a prominent American politician known for his advocacy of bimetallism and for his influential role in the monetary debates of the late 19th century. Born in Kentucky, Bland moved to Missouri, where he would eventually become a significant figure in the U.S. House of Representatives. He earned the nickname “Silver Dick” for his staunch support of the free silver movement, which advocated for the coinage of silver to complement gold in the economic system. Bland’s legislative efforts culminated in the Bland-Allison Act of 1878, which required the U.S. Treasury to buy a certain amount of silver and put it into circulation as silver dollars. Despite facing opposition from the gold standard proponents, Bland’s contributions to the monetary policy debates had a lasting impact on the American financial system.

5 Interesting Facts about Richard Parks Bland

1. Richard P. Bland was a lawyer before he embarked on his political career.

2. He served as a Union soldier during the American Civil War.

3. Bland represented Missouri in the U.S. House of Representatives for nearly 25 years.

4. He was a strong advocate for farmers and laborers, aligning with the Populist movement.

5. Bland ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1896 but was defeated by William Jennings Bryan.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Richard Parks Bland

1. “The people of this country are entitled to a monetary system that is stable, reliable, and fair to all.”

2. “Silver is the true money of the people.”

3. “Our nation’s prosperity depends on the prosperity of its farmers and laborers.”

4. “The gold standard is a burden on the working man.”

5. “I will always fight for the rights of the common citizen against the encroachments of the wealthy elite.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

Richard Parks Bland’s highest net worth is not well-documented, but as a career politician in the 19th century, his wealth was modest compared to contemporary standards.


Richard Parks Bland had four children with his wife, Virginia E. Mitchell. Their names were Hiram Bland, Virginia Bland, Theodosia Bland, and Mary Bland.

Relevant Links

1. [Richard P. Bland – Wikipedia](

2. [Bland-Allison Act – Britannica](

3. [Biography of Richard Parks Bland](

4. [Richard P. Bland’s Congressional Biography](

5. [History of Bimetallism in the United States](


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