FamousPeopleFacts - Tokugawa Ieyasu
Tokugawa Ieyasu - famouspeoplefacts.com

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Date of Birth: January 31, 1543

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Date of Death: June 1, 1616


Tokugawa Ieyasu was a prominent Japanese military leader and the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, which ruled Japan for over 250 years, from the early 17th century until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Born as Matsudaira Takechiyo, Ieyasu was taken hostage by the Imagawa clan at a young age, which was a common practice to ensure alliances between powerful families. Despite these early tribulations, he rose to power through strategic alliances and military prowess. Ieyasu first allied with Oda Nobunaga, a powerful daimyo who sought to unify Japan. Following Nobunaga’s assassination, Ieyasu navigated the turbulent political landscape to eventually emerge as one of the dominant warlords after the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. This victory paved the way for his appointment as shogun by Emperor Go-Yōzei in 1603. As shogun, Ieyasu implemented a series of reforms to stabilize and consolidate power, including the establishment of a rigid class system and the creation of a centralized government in Edo (modern-day Tokyo). He also promoted foreign trade while carefully controlling it to prevent external influences from destabilizing his regime. After abdicating in favor of his son, Tokugawa Hidetada, in 1605, Ieyasu continued to exert significant influence until his death in 1616.

5 Interesting Facts about Tokugawa Ieyasu

1. Tokugawa Ieyasu was originally named Matsudaira Takechiyo before taking the name Tokugawa Ieyasu.

2. Ieyasu’s victory at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 was one of the most decisive battles in Japanese history, paving the way for his shogunate.

3. He established the Tokugawa shogunate, which ruled Japan for over 250 years, marking the Edo period.

4. Ieyasu was known for his strategic patience, often summarized by the proverb “If the bird does not sing, wait for it to sing.”

5. He was a patron of the arts and culture, contributing to the development of Noh theater and the tea ceremony.

5 Most Interesting Quotes from Tokugawa Ieyasu

1. “The strong ones overcome the weak, but the wise ones overcome the strong.”

2. “Life is like unto a long journey with a heavy burden.”

3. “The best way to defend against evil is to have a strong moral foundation.”

4. “Patience means restraining one’s inclinations.”

5. “Let thy step be slow and steady, that thou stumble not.”

Highest Net Worth Achieved

While exact figures are difficult to ascertain, Tokugawa Ieyasu controlled vast lands and resources, making him one of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals in Japan during his lifetime.


Tokugawa Ieyasu had several children, including: 1. Tokugawa Hidetada: His second son who succeeded him as shogun. 2. Tokugawa Yoshinao: Founder of the Owari branch of the Tokugawa family. 3. Tokugawa Yorifusa: Founder of the Mito branch of the Tokugawa family. 4. Tokugawa Yorinobu: Founder of the Kii branch of the Tokugawa family.

Relevant Links

1. [Tokugawa Ieyasu – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokugawa_Ieyasu

2. [Battle of Sekigahara – Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Sekigahara

3. [Tokugawa Shogunate – Encyclopedia Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Tokugawa-shogunate

4. [Cultural Contributions of Tokugawa Ieyasu](https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2128.html

5. [The Life of Tokugawa Ieyasu](https://www.samurai-archives.com/ieyasu.html


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